Second Congregational Church, 52 Middle Haddam Rd.
Cost: Free Will Offering
Jared Lamenzo, organist of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral in New York City, plays the 1827 Appleton at Second Congregational in Middle Haddam. The program features music of Vivaldi, Valeri, Mendelssohn, Raynor Taylor, Chausson, and others. Jared plays the 1868 Henry Erben organ in NYC, which is currently under restoration. This Appleton was moved out of NYC by Erben in 1844; Brooklyn-based organ builder and restorer Larry Trupiano rebuilt and restored the instrument, re-dedicated in 1992 in a recital by John Ogasapian. Now approaching the organ's 200 birthday, it is time to celebrate!
Works by Vivaldi, Valeri, Mendelssohn, Taylor, Chausson, Boieldieu
Contact: Bob Marshall at 203.232.7387
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